1- Enabling Robust EE and Decentralized RE Financing
Support Jordan’s energy transition goals through design and facilitation of market-oriented and cost effective EE and decentralized RE programs in high-impact sector
2- Energy for Climate Action
Contribute to achieving Jordan’s climate mitigation targets through access to new sources of funding to support priority EE and RE projects across the Kingdom in close coordination with the Ministry of Environment and other line Ministries and partners
3- Competent Workforce
Contribute to EE and RE workforce development and service excellence through targeted training programs for Jordanian youth leveraging JREEEF’s programs and partnerships, and in line with market trends.
4- Mobilize Action
Utilize JREEEF’s mechanisms and projects to influence behavioral change and trigger action to support Jordan’s energy transition pathway.
5 - JREEEF: the Go-to Partner
Strengthen JREEEF’s internal capabilities and anchor robust operational policies and procedures, resource mobilization and outreach tactics, and competent human capital to achieve the aspired impact.