JREEEF was established in 2012 by the EE and RE law 13 (articles 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16) yet it became operational in 2015 after the promulgation of bylaw 49 of 2015.It is established at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) to provide necessary funding for EE and RE measures at end-user’s level. It supports any program and financial mechanism allowing RE and EE users to access financing from banks, local and international financial institutions. This includes loan interest rate subsidy, revolting funds, financial risk mitigation, credit guarantees, equity participation, subsidy to investment in innovation projects and soft investment. Leading national efforts to optimize the utilization of energy consumption by providing the necessary funding to advance and implement sustainable solutions to enhance energy efficiency rationalization and renewable energy exploitation in coordination with local and international institutions and stakeholders. Promote the use of renewable energy to increase its contribution to the national energy mix and rationalize energy consumption to improve energy efficiency in various sectors, in accordance with the National Energy Strategy. To accomplish this mission, JREEEF will provide financial resources and technical assistance to energy users and renewable energy and energy efficiency project developers to facilitate the deployment of RE and EE technologies, reduce associated risks, expand market potential, and leverage existing resources.
To design and offer innovative financing and technical support through market-driven mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of EE and RE projects in line with Jordan’s national priorities and in partnership with public and private sectors, development partners, local and international financing institutions, academia, and local communities.
To enable a sustainable energy transition in Jordan.