Based on the Honorable prime ministry Resolution pursuant to Prime Minister's Book No. 56/10/6/29517 dated 7/3/2016 approving the grant agreement for the renewable energy and energy efficiency program in Jordan funded by the European Union at a value of (90) million euros; As the grant agreement stipulated that the concerned authorities in the energy sector achieve a number of performance indicators during the period (2016-2019) with the aim of developing and increasing energy efficiency and efficiency, and among these indicators, which are responsible for implementing it is the responsibility of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund / Ministry of Energy And mineral wealth the following indicators:
Installing solar water heater systems at (20,000) system for homes.
Installing solar cell systems at (1,000) thousand systems in the domestic sectors and buildings of the public sector.
Cooperation between the National Energy Research Center and the Renewable Energy Promotion and Energy Conservation Fund
cooperation model is operational (JREEEF + NERC) and presents
Where the implementation of the project of installing solar water heater systems and the remaining 20,000 homes system has been completed
Also, 100 solar solar systems were installed for homes and schools
Activating the partnership with the National Energy Research Center / Royal Scientific Society in the implementation of many projects and programs, the most important of which is the School Heating Program within the Royal Initiative to warm schools using energy.